Rules of Ventnor Rugby Football Club

Rules, Ventnor RFC Handbook


1. The name of the Club shall be the Ventnor Rugby Football Club.
2. The object of the Club is to provide facilities for and promote participation of the whole community in the sport of Rugby Union
3. The Club colours shall be dark blue with single white hoop shirts, navy shorts and navy blue socks.
4. Membership of the club shall be open to all persons irrespective of ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or beliefs; or of age, sex or disability except as a necessary consequence of the requirements of Rugby Union as a particular sport.
The club may refuse membership or expel from membership only for good and sufficient cause, such as conduct or character likely to bring the club or sport into disrepute. Appeal against such a decision may be made to the Club’s members and decided by a majority vote

The Club shall consist of not less than twenty-five members and the classes of membership shall be as follows:

(a) Playing members who shall be members available and offering themselves for selection to play rugby matches on a regular basis.
(b) Junior playing members who are available for match play as aforesaid but are under the age of eighteen years or attending as a full time student at a course in further education at the time of their nomination for membership.
(c) Life members as hereafter defined.
(d) Ordinary members who are not available to play rugby matches.
(e) Vice Presidents being any other member duly elected to membership and not falling within the preceding sub-clauses.
(f) Family membership shall be any member of the family of a player under sixteen years of age, ie a mini rugby player.
(g) Honorary life members.
(h) The spouse of a member shall ipso facto be an associate member without liability to pay an annual subscription.
5. Every candidate for admission as a member shall be proposed by one member and seconded by another member both of whom shall vouch for the fitness of the candidate. The candidate shall be proposed by entering in the candidates’ book his name in full, residence, with the signature of the proposer and seconder, and the candidate shall on tendering his application submit therewith his subscription.
6. The particulars inserted in the candidates’ book shall be posted prominently in the Clubroom for seven days preceding the day when the candidate comes up for election.
7. The candidates for admission shall come up for election in the order in which their names appear in the candidate book.
8. The management of the Club (except as otherwise provided by these rules) shall be deputed to a Management Committee consisting of the following members duly elected to the following offices at the Annual General Meeting:
Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Fixture Secretary, 1st XV Captain, Team Secretary and Chairman of the Bar Committee and up to ten other members.
9. The Management Committee shall have power to appoint such sub-committees as it deems fit and the constitution and rules regulating the same shall be such as determined by the Management Committee. One such sub-committee shall consist of four wholly elected committee members appointedfor the purpose of purchasing intoxicating liquor for supply by the club. All
such committees shall periodically report their proceedings to the Management Committee and shall conduct their business in accordance with the directions of the Committee.
10. At the Annual General Meeting the members of the Management Committee and any sub-committee shall retire and any member of at least two years standing shall be eligible as a candidate for election to such position.
11. The property of the Club (other than real or leasehold property) shall be considered as vested in the General Committee for the time being.
12. The General Committee shall have power to expel from the Club any member, who in its opinion shall be guilty of conduct detrimental to the well-being of the Club subject to a ballot of at least two thirds of the General Committee. An appeal against such a decision may be made to the members in accordance with Rule 4.
13. Subscription for membership shall be at the rates determined at the Annual General Meeting and subject to amendment at such meetings shall be:
(a) Playing Members £96 per annum (No further match fees or travel fees due )
(b) Vice Presidents £30 minimum per annum
(c) Junior Members £10 per annum
(d) Ordinary Members £20 per annum
(e) Petanque Members £10 per annum
(f) Life Members £200 once only.
14. The Annual General Meeting shall take place not later than the 30th day of May in every year with not less than 14 days’ notice being given to members, stating the time and place of such meeting.
15. There shall not be more than four trustees of the Club. The first Trustees shall be appointed by the Management Committee and the real and leasehold property of the Club shall be vested in them to be dealt with by them as the Management Committee, shall from time to time direct by resolution (of which an entry in the Minute Book shall be conclusive evidence). The Trustees shall
be indemnified against risk and expense out of the Club property. The Trustees shall hold office until death or resignation or until removed from office by a resolution of the Management Committee who may for any reason which may seem sufficient to a majority of them present and voting at any meeting remove any Trustee or Trustees from the Office of Trustee. Where byreason of any such death, resignation or removal it shall appear necessaryto the Management Committee that a new Trustee or Trustees shall be appointed or if the Management Committee shall deem it expedient to appoint an additional Trustee, the Management Committee shall by resolution nominate the person or persons to be appointed by the new Trustee or Trustees. For the purpose of giving effect to such nomination the President is hereby nominated as the person to appoint new Trustees of the club within the meaning of Section 36 of the Trustees Act 1925 and he shall apply to any such appointment. Any statement of fact in any such deed of appointment shall in favour of a person dealing bona fide and for value with the Club or the Management Committee be conclusive evidence of the fact so stated.
16. The annual subscription falls due on September 30th of each year. Any playing member failing to pay his subscription before October 31st of any year shall thereafter cease to be eligible for selection until such time as the outstanding subscription is paid. This rule is to be applied at the discretion of the Management Committee and any member affected must be notified formally by the Honorary Secretary.
17. The officials shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Club when all members are entitled to a vote.
18. a. These rules may be altered, abrogated or added to either generally or for a particular occasion at any Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting by a majority vote of the full members present and voting at such a meeting, provided that fourteen days’ written notice thereof stating the time and venue. A full member is a member as defined under rule 4 sub-sections a, b, c, d, e and g.
18. b. Not more than 30 members or 1/5 of the membership whichever is the smaller may request a Special General Meeting by applying in writing to the Secretary with reasons for the meeting. The Secretary must call a meeting within 28 days of the application giving members of fourteen days notice.
19. The Management Committee may determine any question that may arise upon the interpretation of these rules and shall have the power to make a decision on any matter relating to the Club for which provision has not been made for in the Rules.
20. In the event of the dissolution of the club, any assets remaining after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the club, but shall be given or transferred to one or more of the following approved sporting or charitable bodies: –
1. A registered charitable organisation(s)
2. Another club which is a registered CASC
3. The sports national governing body for use by them for related community sports. The income an Property of the club shall be applied solely towards promoting the club’s objects as set forth in these rules and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred, directly or indirectly, to the members of the club
21. The Selection Committee shall consist of the Team Captains and Vice Captains, Club Coach and Team Secretary. The latter appointment in a non-voting capacity.
22. The Club House shall be opened to members daily between such hours as the Management Committee shall from time to time determine.
23. The permitted hours for the supply of intoxicating liquor shall be:
Weekdays 1100 hrs -2300 hrs
Saturdays 1100 hrs -2300 hrs
Sundays } 1200 hrs -1500 hrs and 1900 hrs -2230 hrs
Christmas Day }

Good Friday }24. Every member shall be allowed to introduce visitors subject to such regulations as shall be made from time to time by the Management Committee and every visitor shall be considered the guest of and be accompanied by the member introducing him. Such visitors/guests are not permitted to purchase intoxicants.
25. No person shall at any time be entitled to receive at the expense of the Club or of any member thereof any commission, percentage or similar payment on or with reference to purchases of intoxicating liquor by the Club; nor shall any person directly or indirectly derive any pecuniary benefit from the supply of intoxicating liquor by or on behalf of the Club to members apart from any benefit accruing to the Club as a whole and apart also from any benefit which a person derives indirectly by reason of the supply giving rise to or contributing to a general gain from the carrying on of the Club.
26. There may be admitted to the Club’s registered premises persons other than members or their guests and intoxicating liquor may be sold to such persons by or on behalf of the Club for consumption on the premises and not elsewhere, provided that such persons are also members of a club affiliated to the International Rugby Football Association or clubs affiliated to the British Petanque Association or any visiting sports club association or team.
27. Visiting sports clubs, associations or teams taking part in an organised sporting event at the Club shall be authorised to purchase intoxicating liquors.
28. The Club’s Welfare Policies and Procedures for Child Protection and relevant information is displayed on the Club’s noticeboard.
Management Committee Terms of Reference

The Management Committee is the link between the past, the present and the future. In this report it is vital that the body is constantly reviewing its purpose and effectiveness.

Committee Purpose

Thus the purpose of the Management Committee is to provide and maintain a rugby environment that meets the expectations of its membership and also meets the financial and auditable controls necessary of a rugby club within Hampshire Rugby Union and the RFU.

Committee Structure

The Management Committee is comprised of the following positions:
Chairman    Membership Secretary   Petanque Secretary    Treasurer    Fixture Secretary   Match Secretary   Social Secretary   House   Grounds   Team Manager  Bar Manager   1st XV Captain 2nd XV Captain   Club Coach   Welfare Officer   Social Secretary

The positions and responsibilities are to be reviewed and confirmed at the end of eachseason prior to the AGM. Each Committee position will have a job role description, which will determine the full scope of responsibility for the Committee.
Committee Meetings
The Management Committee will meet on a monthly basis. The previous meeting will decide the date, time and venue of next meeting. The meeting agenda will then be produced and circulated to all Committee members.
The meeting will be quorum if five or more Committee members are in attendance.  The meeting will be minuted and minutes will then be distributed to the Committee. They will also be retained for historical record in either hard copy or electronic form.
Succession Planning
It is the responsibility of each elected Committee member to identify and encourage other Club members to participate in the management of their Club. In this way willing and able volunteers can be brought in to work alongside departing Committee members prior to election at AGMs.  Ventnor RFC is looking to build on the solid base that had provided a warm and friendly rugby environment for senior, vets and junior rugby over the past 38 years. We will continue to improve on the management processes that are already in place and ensure that we have a safe well-organised facility for our members. Where necessary we will implement new processes and procedures to meet changing governmental and local requirements.  Continued success on the pitch is a key priority so that we maintain revenues from the RFU.  An equal priority is to make the club more accessible to the whole local community, by developing closer links with local agencies (Council, schools, colleges, community groups, etc). The RFU Rugby Development Officer has instigated the RFU ‘Club Clustering’ approach this season and Ventnor Rugby Football Club is an active participant with other local rugby clubs and the local community groups, where the sharing of ideas and resources, coupled with closer co-operation, will benefit all.
To establish VRFC as one of Hampshire’s best developing clubs both on and off the field of play.
To continually assess and develop the highest playing standards achievable and to ensure our behaviour, both on and off the field is a credit to VRFC.
To provide training/coaching facilities for players to achieve their own individual level of performance and excellence, and to provide the opportunity for all players to represent their club.
To ensure all players and other members all contribute in maintaining VRFC as a friendly, welcoming club, which upholds the ideals of rugby, sportsmanship and friendship.
To ensure all members, players and guests are dealt with equally and without prejudice. To treat others as you wish to be treated, ensuring courtesy and respect to all.
To ensure all members promote the club which is founded on success, stability and development of new players with a can-do mentality.
To provide support to the Petanque section of the Rugby Club, and ensure that it is fully integrated into the Club ethos.
To encourage the people of Ventnor and the surrounding areas to support VRFC and to market our facilities to members and the local community. To maximise our income, through bar takings, fund-raising and to deliver a first class service to all our members and guests.
To identify and support approaches for ensuring that the benefits of the Rugby Club are equally accessible to all young people with the ability and desire to progress in sport, targeting those living in a designated priority or disadvantaged area.
To further develop the management, coaching and playing qualities within our Rugby Club.
Men’s Rugby
To be successful and competitive throughout our teams, whilst playing attractive rugby.
Women’s Rugby
Not viable at present but may become a future target.
Mini, Midi and Junior Rugby
To continually seek to improve the development of all young people, both mentally and physically, whilst maintaining the importance placed on ensuring that the children learn to respect the opposition, their team-mates, the coaches, the referees and primarily themselves.
The development of the player follows four key stages:

• Stage 1
Local schemes for all boys and girls that have little understanding or experience of the game, but wish to learn.
• Stage 2
Maintain a well-managed section within the Rugby Club that has RFU qualified coaches and has well defined and achievable objectives.
• Stage 3
Maintain an assessment process for those children who have an interest and ability to progress further.
• Stage 4
The development of individual players and squads, at all ages, who can compete at county and regional level.

1. Facilities
The requirements of the Clubhouse and grounds for our Rugby Club are:
• Accessibility to all.
• Have sufficient changing facilities for the teams and referees.
• Have sufficient playing surfaces for the teams in the Club with additional areas for training that have adequate floodlighting.
• Provision of good recreational facilities (eg bar, refreshments, etc) in order to maintain the ethos of rugby.
2. People to develop the Club and Teams
• Men’s Rugby
A close relationship with the junior section to ensure a steady flow of younger players into the senior side is vital to our survival. In addition, a strategy needs to be developed to encourage the local community youth to have the opportunity to try rugby from a playing and social aspect. This should involve closer relationships with local schools, colleges and local government bodies.
• Minis/Youth
To encourage children from the age of 5 upwards into the game, aspiring to a seamless movement, eventually providing an opportunity to play in adult rugby if desired. In this respect we shall try to work closely with Vectis RFC.
• Access to Finance
To identify local sponsors and local/national funding opportunities to assist in development of the Club as a local ‘community service’.
• Support from within the Club
To raise the profile of the Club within the local community and seek opportunities to make the Club facilities available to the community.
• Coaching/Refereeing
To identify people willing to become qualified RFU coaches and referees and then provide support to them in achieving these qualifications. This needs to be an annual programme to ensure that the Club has sufficient coaching expertise in order to improve and maintain the playing standards across the Club. It is essential that our Club is viewed positively in the community and that we can demonstrate that we can offer the game of rugby to all ages in a well managed and controlled way through good management and qualified coaches. We would want to
be known as a club that promotes good sportsmanship and fair play, both on and off the field.
We would also want to be known as a club that is welcoming to all, players, members and spectators and that we would like to be  at the heart of our local community.


We review the Club Code of Conduct on an annual basis. The Code of Conduct is managed by all club officials and applied equitably to all players, coaches, spectators and members.
Adapted from The Hampshire Rugby Football Union, Regulation 14.

1. The Club is required to include this Code of Conduct as part of its constitution and rules.
2. All persons in membership of this Club are expected to play or support the playing of the Game in accordance with the spirit of good sportsmanship and fair play.
3. In particular, everyone, including players, officials, coaches, parents and spectators, should ensure that in their playing of the Game, and also in the general support of the Club and its teams, they at no time indulge in any unsporting behaviour or activities which could blemish the good name of the Club or bring the reputation of the Game into disrepute, namely, insulting opponents; making offensive remarks to match officials or opposition supporters; deliberately feigning injury; taking property belonging to opponents; publicly criticising match officials; playing under influence of alcohol or illegal drugs; making racial or racist remarks; or behaving in any way likely to cause offence (including to members of the public whilst travelling to, or from, a match).
4. Coaches in particular should:
• Consider the safety of all players at all times.
• Promote fair play.
• Eradicate racism and sexism from the sport.
• Display high standards of behaviour and appearance.
• Never exert undue influence over players.
• Never condone law violations or the use of prohibited substances.
• Ensure that youth rugby sessions are appropriate to the age of the players involved.
Everyone should understand that this Club could be held accountable to the Rugby Football Union for any misconduct such as that outlined above. This Club will not select any player or coach who repeatedly infringes this Code.  The Disciplinary Sub Committee may hold an inquiry into any alleged breach of this Code and may suspend or expel any serious offender.


The health and safety management of the Clubhouse is vitally important, as we need to demonstrate a duty of care to all users of the Clubhouse. We need to verify and address the following items in order to ensure that all the necessary steps are being taken to ensure that a safe environment exists:

• Ensure there is a Health and Safety Policy and that it is actively used and communicated.
• Identify responsibility for health and safety including co-ordination of a Health and Safety Management Programme.
• Carry out regular risk assessments and implement actions for risk reduction.
• All hazardous substances are clearly identified, controlled and stored.
• Accident and emergency procedures are documented.

• Always warm up.
• Wear a mouth and head guard – preferably one prepared by your dentist.
• Wear shin guards (particularly recommended for the front five).
• Take off any jewellery (eg rings, watches, nose studs, earrings).
• Do not chew gum.
• Wear kite-marked studs recommended for rugby.
• Up-to-date tetanus injection – recommended
• Remember to take in fluids – isotonic drinks or water during and after training/matches.
Protective clothing may be worn if it conforms to International Rugby Board Regulations:
Shin guards
Shoulder pads
Ankle supports
Elasticated bandages
Training Kit

In cold/wet weather, it is advisable to wear a track suit/waterproofs or similar, on top of the
normal training kit or shirt and shorts.

Playing Members Only

1. Preferred Position:
2. Alternative(s):
3. Previous Club(s):
4. Date of Birth:
5. Doctor’s Name:
6. Surgery:

Do you suffer from any medical condition that a hospital should be aware of ?

If the answer is yes, please give details:


The RFU instruction on Child Protection is fully implemented amongst the under 18 members in the junior section of the Club and a welfare officer has been appointed and is a committee member.

Ventnor Rugby Club’s Child Protection Policy

This policy is to be applied to all young players who are under 18. Those responsible for the management of adult teams which include 17 year old players must, at all times, be mindful of their safety and well being.  Ventnor RFC has a duty of care to safeguard all young people involved in Ventnor RFC from harm. All young people have a right to protection, and the needs of the disabled and others who may be particularly vulnerable must be take into account. Ventnor RFC will ensure the safety of all young people involved in Ventnor RFC through adherence to the Child Protection guidelines adopted by Ventnor RFC.
The aim of the Ventnor RFC Child Protection Policy is to promote good practice:
• Providing young people with appropriate safety and protection whilst in the care of the Ventnor RFC.
• Allowing all staff/volunteers to make informed and confident responses to specific child protection issues.
• The Committee and coaching staff of Ventnor RFC believe that the playing and coaching of Rugby Football should be both a rewarding and enjoyable experience for all involved, including young people, their parents/guardians, coaches and helpes.
• Ventnor RFC will abide by the RFU Child Protection Policy as published. Full details can be found at the RFU website.
• Ventnor RFC will put in place systems to support, monitor and evaluate its Child Protection Policy.
• All players are required to be registered.
• Coaches will undertake a CRB Disclosure.
• Coaches will be aware of and abide by the policies and procedures outlined in the RFU Child Protection Policy.
• Coaches will be encouraged to attend a Mini/Tag course.
• Coaches will be encouraged to become qualified to Level 1 before becoming a year group head coach.
• Coaches will always promote fair play and observe the spirit, as well as the letter of the RFU law.
• Ventnor RFC’s Child Protection Policy, Anti-Bullying Policy, Equity Policy, Code of Conduct for Coaches, as well as a written procedure for dealing with accusations or suspicions of child abuse will be available to parents on request.
• Ventnor RFC will appoint a Child Welfare Officer.

Child Protection Officer

The Ventnor RFC Child Protection Officer is Roger Evans – Tel 01983 852547. Please contact him in the first instance if you have concerns about any aspect of a young person’s welfare.

Players’ Code of Conduct

• Always play for the fun of the game.
• Always play by the laws.
• Try to control your temper.
• Do not argue with the referee.
• Try to improve your skills.
• Don’t be selfish with the ball.
Coach’s Code of Conduct

• Teach players to play by the laws of the game.
• Teach players to play by the spirit of the game.
• Playing, training and coaching should be fun.
• Be generous with praise.
• Be sparing with criticism.
• Don’t favour your best players – give all an equal chance.
• Don’t preach the win at all costs mentality.
• Try to avoid mismatches.
• Be reasonable in your expectations.

Parent/Guardians’ Code of Conduct

• Never force your child to play rugby against his/her wishes.
• Remember that young people play rugby for their enjoyment, not yours.
• Encourage your child to play by the laws.
• Encourage your child to improve his/her skills through coaching.
• Teach your child that winning isn’t everything.
• Try not to shout at a player for making a mistake.
• Applaud good play – by either team.
• Stay off the pitch at all times.
• Don’t use abusive language (especially to the referee).

Identifying and Managing Bullying

The lives of many young people are made miserable by bullying. Victims of bullying can feel lonely, isolated and deeply unhappy. It can have a devastating effect on a young person’s self-esteem and destroy their self-confidence and concentration. They may become withdrawn and insecure, more cautious and less willing to take any sort of risk. They may feel it is somehow their fault or that there is something wrong with them and at worst cause depression and/or feelings of worthlessness that lead to suicide. To ensure Ventnor RFC creates an atmosphere where bullying of young people is unacceptable and to help members manage bullying issues, guidelines for identifying and managing bullying have been developed. Any suspicions or allegations of bullying of a young person against a member will be dealt with through Ventnor RFC’s Disciplinary Procedures and/or responding to a suspicion or allegation of abuse.

Young Person Protection Good Practice
Guidelines for Identifying and Managing Bullying of Young People

In some cases of abuse it may not be an adult abusing a young person. Young people may also be responsible for abuse, for example, in the case of bullying. Bullying may be seen as
particularly hurtful behaviour usually repeated over a period of time, where it is difficult for those bullied to defend themselves. Bullying can take many forms including:

• Physical eg hitting, kicking, theft.
• Verbal (including teasing) eg racist remarks, spreading rumours, threats or name-calling.
• Emotion, eg isolating a young person from the activities or social acceptance of the peer group.
• Harassment, eg using abusive or insulting behaviour in a manner intended to cause alarm or distress.
• Young people may be bullied by adults, their peers and in some cases by their families.
Identifying Bullying
Bullying can be difficult to pick up because it often happens away from others and victims donot tend to tell. However you can watch for signs that may indicate the presence of bullying.
The following lists common bully victim behaviour.
If a young person:
• Hesitates to come to training/programme/session.
• Is often the last one picked for a team or group activity for no apparent reason, or gets picked on when they think your back is turned.
• Is reluctant to go to certain places or work with a certain individual.
• Has clothing or personal possessions go missing or are damaged.
• Has bruising or other injury.
• Keeps “losing” his/her pocket money.
• Is quite nervous, withdraws from everybody else and becomes quiet and shy, especially in the case of those normally noisy and loud.
• A usually quiet person becomes suddenly prone to lashing out at people, either physically or verbally.

Action to Help the Victim(s) and Prevent Bullying

• Take all signs of bullying very seriously.
• Encourage all young people to speak and share their concerns. Help the victim(s) to speak out and tell the person in charge or someone in authority. Create an open environment.
• Take all allegations seriously and take action to ensure the victim(s) is safe. Speak with the victim and the bully(ies) separately.
• Reassure the victim(s) that you can be trusted and will help them, although you cannot promise to tell no-one else.
• Keep records of what is said, ie what happened, by whom and when.
• Report any concerns to the person in charge at the organisation where the bullying it taking place.

Action Toward the Bully(ies)

• Talk with the bully(ies), explain the situation and try to get the bully(ies) to understand the consequences of their behaviour.
• Seek an apology from the bully(ies) to the victim.
• Inform the bully’s parents/guardians.
• If appropriate, insist on the return of “borrowed” items and that the bully(ies) compensate the victim.
• Impose sanctions as necessary.
• Encourage and support the bully(ies) to change behaviour.
• Keep a written record of action taken.

Ventnor RFC is committed to ensuring that equity is incorporated across all aspects of itsdevelopment.It acknowledges and adopts the following Sports England definition of sports equity;
“Sports equity is about fairness in sport, equality of access, recognising inequalities and taking steps to address them. It is about changing the culture and structure of sport to ensure it is equally accessible to everyone in society.”   Ventnor RFC respects the rights, dignity and worth of every person and will treat everyone equally within the context of their sport, regardless of age, ability, gender, race, ethnicity, religious belief, sexuality, and social/economic status.  Ventnor RFC is committed to everyone having the right to enjoy his/her sport as a player,coach, match official or spectator in an environment free from threat of intimidation, harassment and abuse.  All Ventnor RFC members have a responsibility to oppose discriminatory behaviour and
promote equality of opportunity.  Ventnor RFC will deal with any incidence of discriminatory behaviour seriously, according to club disciplinary procedures.
1. Attracting New Volunteers.   We need to develop a plan to actively attract new volunteers into the Club.
2. Succession Planning.   Key committee positions have a job description that includes a responsibility to identify a replacement and complete a suitable handover with that person to ensure
management continuity of that committee position.

Name and Address of
Name of Volunteer
Key Responsibilities include:
Responsible to:
Hours Required (per week)
Qualifications Needed:
Benefits to Self:
Benefits to Community:
Support and Training Received:
Closing Date for Applications:

Appointed annually at Club AGM
General Description.   Shall be responsible for all financial matters of the Club.  Other duties – formulation of budgets, financial statements for approval by the Management Team
To do this job well you must:
• Have plenty of energy
• Be enthusiastic about the game of Rugby Union
• Be able to undertake regular tasks
• Have tact and discretion whilst able to maintain confidentiality
• Be methodical and have good communication skills
• Be able to lead and delegate tasks
• Be numerate – understand a balance sheet
• Be able to explain financial matters to other members
1. Looking for your replacement to ensure management continuity.
2. To attend Management Team Meetings.
3. Approving invoices, paying creditors, managing cash flow.
4. Report to members at AGM.
5. Various financial correspondence.
6. Provide ad hoc information including RFU.
7. Training replacement.
1. Full Club
2. Management Team
3. RFU
4. Hants RFU
Appointed annually at Club AGM
General Description.   Shall be responsible for the recording and maintenance of meeting minutes of the Management Team and at Annual or Special General meetings.  Shall maintain and manage written correspondence when necessary for the Management Team.
To do this job well you must:
• Have plenty of energy
• Be enthusiastic about the game of Rugby Union
• Be able to undertake regular tasks
• Have tact and discretion whilst able to maintain confidentiality
• Be interested in people and maintain confidentiality
• Be methodical and have good communication skills
• Be able to lead and supervise
• Be able to react to opportunities and make decisions
. Looking for your replacement to ensure management continuity.
. To attend Management Team Meetings.
. Dealing with correspondence and organise meetings.
. Keep records and complete RFU questionnaires.
. Setting meeting agenda and writing minutes.
. Liaising with RFU.
. Bar Licence applications.
. Training replacement.
. Full Club
. Management Team
. Hants RFU
. Licensing Authorities
Appointed annually at Club AGM
General Description.  Shall hold overall responsibility for the operation of the Club.  Shall chair at all Management Team meetings, AGM, Special meetings and Disciplinary meetings.
To do this job well you must:
• Have plenty of energy
• Be enthusiastic about the game of Rugby Union
• Be able to undertake regular tasks
• Have tact and discretion whilst able to maintain confidentiality
• Be methodical and have good communication skills
• Be able to lead and delegate tasks
• Be able to react to opportunities and make decisions
. Looking for your replacement to ensure management continuity.
. Prepare and lead on Club Strategy.
. Develop all communication channels.
. Report to members at AGM.
. Lead Club Management Team.
. Full Club
. Management Team
. Hants RFU
Responsible to:
Club Management Committee
Responsible for:
• Development and implementation of team game plan in accordance with the co-ordinated club-wide coaching plan.
• Attend pre-season training sessions.
• The establishment and enforcement of team standards and practices, including team and individual discipline.
• Attendance at regular team selection and coaches meetings.
• Working closely with other club coaching personnel.
• Being open to peer review and constructive external input.
• Proactive utilisation of additional coaching resources available to the club.
• Promotion and development of individual player abilities.
Required to:
• Attend one practice and one game per week and fulfil weekly coaching plan plus additional attendance at meeting or sessions as may be required.
• Select team.
• Attend and direct team on match day.
• Accept responsibility for team performance, behaviour and results.
• Implement club playing style.
• Attend on an informal/formal basis Premier team training sessions.
• Work closely with coaches to identify and develop player potential.
• Begin to identify your replacement, to ensure management continuity.
Responsible to:

Club Management Committee

• To ensure liaison and communication to all those supporting the administration on a
match day.
• To maintain harmonious relationships with all visitors on match day.
• To review and report to the Management Team of ways to improve match day success.
• Ensuring visiting referees and clubs are well acquainted with the home match day
programme including routes and timing for access and egress to the Club on the day.
• Ensuring Club Managers responsible for: bar; grounds; facilities; catering; shirts; first
aid, and PR are well acquainted with the match day programme.

• Support Club Captains in managing the home match day programme.
• Ensure the arrangements for away match day travel arrangement are clear with
Captains and supporters.
• Ensuring receiving clubs are well acquainted with the match day programme including
shirt colours, routes and timing for arrival, and departure on the day.
At present we have only one qualified referee, and he has taken early retirement.
We recognise that we need to encourage more players and ex-players to take up this
challenging but rewarding alternative option to playing.
Having a local course on offer would be beneficial to having more club volunteers taking up
the opportunity.
To promote, coach and develop the highest sustainable level of rugby played at Ventnor RFC
through planned weekly coaching sessions at set times. The emphasis to be through
enjoyment and gentlemanly play which will ultimately sustain regular training and encourage
young players and potential new players to integrate successfully through the playing and
coaching ranks.
To sustain a level of playing excellence Ventnor RFC and its coaches will need to field
consistently 2+ teams per week to encourage competitiveness within the teams, attain fitness
for recuperating players and nurture youth/new players. An ongoing programme to attract
more coaches to the club will be encouraged from interested parties consisting of retired
players, current players and non-playing to put their experience and expertise into the club by
assisting in coaching sessions and by attaining through the RFU coaching qualification levels
1, 2 & 3, which will further improve the coaching and playing standards of the club


Poor preparation through coaching, lack of coaching and non attendance of players on
training sessions will produce poor performance and injuries, therefore poor results on match
days and low league positions.
Players will be encouraged to attend regular training sessions and through this the
Coach/Coaches will produce a team, consolidate game plans and strive to make players
aware of their positional roles, its requirements, why they have been selected, their potential
contribution to the team and to keep players up to date with the new laws.
The players will be coached and encouraged to attain their full potential and to have the ability
to run the ball, kick, play field position and utilize fitness and flair. The most important point is
that players will come as close as possible to excellence in execution.


The club will supply, maintain, replace and upgrade where necessary the equipment needed
to sustain the excellence of coaching as recognised by the Head Coach.


1. Club Coaching Structure
We have a club-wide approach to coaching where the policy, approach and playing
style is defined and then implemented by all of the coaches at all levels within the club.

2. Numbers and Qualification Levels
We need to develop and manage an ongoing programme to attract more coaches into
the club and then take those coaches through the RFU coaching qualification levels
such that we have sufficient coaches qualified at RFU level 1, level 2 and level 3.


There is a need:

• To increase the player base.
• To increase the club’s involvement with local community through closer links with
schools, the college and other local organisations.
• To develop a volunteer recruitment plan.
• To identify people who have an interest in becoming a referee.


The Club has one major risk which is its remote location. This manifests itself in creating
several issues that warrant managing. They are:

1. Health Care: access the secondary off site care is by telecommunications and
occasionally private vehicle.
2. Lone working is a personal danger.
3. Foul drainage has a limited capacity.
4. Power interruptions through supply failure are known.
5. Facilities are subject to theft and vandalism
Management ACTIONS
1. Ensure on site health care equipment is available with trained first aid person(s)
2. Ensure all access is by key holder
3. Ensure all key holders have third party support
4. Review telephone service connection
5. Keep all building openings well secured
6. Arrange annual drainage contract