As many of you are aware the club only exists because of the hard work put in by its many members. This work is unpaid and at times is not even noticed, but with out it this club would not exist.
So…….Are you able to help cover the bar for a couple of hours on the odd occasion? We have a few events over the coming months that require the bar to open. They are as follows:
Home Petanque Fixtures
All 1945-2300
APRIL – 9th & 16th
MAY – 7th & 21st
JUNE – 4th & 25th
JULY – 2nd, 16th & 30th
Vectis Annual Rugby Festival
Sunday 27th April 2014
Vecits have their annual Rugby Festival on 27 April. They are looking for Volunteers to help with everything from Car parks to food, to touch judges etc etc
If you can spare a day or even a few hours to help out with any of the above then please speak to Babz or email him