We have a new Facebook page!

Club, News, ,

By Nolan

AJ Wells sponsor of Ventnor RFC
gamson gray isle of wight web design
Red Funnel Isle of Wight ferries sponsor of Ventnor RFC
Wight Shipyard Company sponsor of Ventnor RFC

You can now follow your beloved VRFC in four, yes four places!!!

Twitter (@VRFC1974), www.Ventnorrfc.com and now on its very own Facebook page www.facebook.com/ventnorrfc

So get adding, following, sharing and liking!!

There are several million photos to add which will gradually be shared over the coming weeks. They are both old and new so no matter your age you will probably figure in some shape of form!

Now I here your thinking, hold on that’s only three places. Well the fourth is the club house. Come to training, come to a game, come watch Petanque. Just come up, say hello, have a beer and join in the singing! You know it all happens at VRFC. We may not be the best team but we sure know how to have a good time!