AJ Wells sponsor of Ventnor RFC
gamson gray isle of wight web design
Red Funnel Isle of Wight ferries sponsor of Ventnor RFC
Wight Shipyard Company sponsor of Ventnor RFC

Ventnor RFC FAQ’s:

To become a Ventnor RFC Player just visit here.

We welcome new players, and you are welcome to join the weekly rugby training.

No, but we always welcome new members to Ventnor RFC.

If you want to consider membership, then non-player (V.P.) membership starts at £5 per month

These will be published nearer to the date of each game.

Kick-off times vary throughout the season as the amount of light changes, between 1pm and 3pm.

Please check back to this website fixtures and events where kick-off times will be published, along with the club’s social media on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Yes, so long as well controlled and always on a lead during games.

Please ensure you clear up after your dog and use the waste bins provided.

Yes, usually an hour or so before kick-off.

Details are often stated nearer the time, when the fixture is finalised and the kick-off time and other arrangements are known.