Warren Riches

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Warren Riches

One of our longest serving players Warren “The Rev” Riches player profile.

This man is a legend of VRFC holding the position of 2XV skipper for 3 years, Chairman for 3 years and now our President, all whilst still running out to represent his club on the pitch.

He gained the nickname “Rev” after performing the last rights to one of our injured players during a cup game played on a Sunday. Which saw him dressed to the nines in religious regalia and with the biggest bible you have seen. All before shouting “I’m a demon mother f****r” after a world class clearance.

This man may be 56 but has the mind and heart of a teenager and has Ventnor running through his veins.

Outside of rugby this is the most upstanding citizen but inside his VRFC family he is in fact a demon mother f****r.

Age: 56

Position: fill back

Years at the club: 36

Nickname: Rev

Claim to fame: I was on Bargan Hunt ‘cus I is the best auctioner innit

Music: Limp Bizkit

Film: Tropic Thunder

Drink: Jager

Quote: ‘Don’t worry lads I’ve got this covered’

Favourite player you’ve played alongside: Warren Fresle – the man with paper skin

Last udpated: December 2024

Warren Riches Ventnor RFC Player Profile
Warren Riches Ventnor RFC Player Profile