RFU The Good Players’ Code
- Never overload young players with demands, technical information and tactics – remember they are children
and they are playing rugby for fun - Be organised – establish a structure for the season, prepare a coaching plan for each session, have the
appropriate kit. Above all, communicate to players, parents and fellow coaches to set expectations - Make sure players develop an understanding of the rules and laws of the game, that they respect opponents,
team-mates, coaches and officials - Never over play the better players – include everyone
- Ensure players and parents behaviour is appropriate and in keeping with the spirit of the game and the
expectations of the Club - Never abuse, yell, criticise or ridicule children for making mistakes or losing a game
- Ensure the club’s Child Protection Policy is upheld at all times
- Never question an official’s judgement or honesty.
IN RUGBY UNION, AS A COACH, YOU SHOULD ALWAYS REMEMBER: - Players develop at different times and in different ways – make allowances for their physical, emotional and
mental maturity and development - Winning isn’t everything – teach your players to enjoy taking part and performing to the best of their ability.
- Encourage each player to reach his or her potential
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