Vice Presidents

AJ Wells sponsor of Ventnor RFC
gamson gray isle of wight web design
Red Funnel Isle of Wight ferries sponsor of Ventnor RFC
Wight Shipyard Company sponsor of Ventnor RFC

Ventnor Rugby Club Vice Presidents (VPs) 2024-25

Lawrence Allen
Roger Ayres
Helen Babington
Mark Bell
James Blake
Richard Brauen
Leighton Bryant
Steve Camm
Clive Cardwell-Hill
Darren Cattell
Callaghn Chapman
Kevin Coghlan
Mark Cufflin
Terry Dawson
Kay Engelgardt
Robert Engelgardt
Marcus Evans
Kevin Eyers
Josh Franklin
Peter Gilbert
Martin Godden
David Green
Charles Guy
Peter Hill
Jennifer Hinton
Ron Hunt
Chris Innis
Steve Jaggers
Kevin Jolly
Zoe Jones
Alistair Jupe
Duncan Kenny
Steve Lang-Jones

Ben Lush
Steve Macey
Steve Marsh
David Martin
John Metcalfe
Angie Newbery
Danny Newbery
Martyn Newbery
Bill Nichols
Kevin Nixon
Terry O’Bryan
John Owen
Ian Payn
Chris Sprackling
Chloe Stemmet
Jac Stemmet
Matt Taylor
Roly Toombs
Bob Turner
Ken Tyrrell
Andy Wall
Steve Weir
Chris Welsford
Kevin Wheeler
Gavin White
Alan Whitehouse
John Whitehouse
Peter Wilson
Nolan Winter

Become of Vice President of Ventnor Rugby Club from £5 per month

AJ Wells sponsor of Ventnor RFC
gamson gray isle of wight web design
Red Funnel Isle of Wight ferries sponsor of Ventnor RFC
Wight Shipyard Company sponsor of Ventnor RFC